the launching meeting of failure analysis and intelligent... -金沙集团1862cc

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the launching meeting of failure analysis and intelligent...

release time:2018/11/10
on october 12, our institute was in charge. shanxi institute of coal chemistry of chinese academy of sciences (hereinafter referred to as shanxi institute of coal chemistry of chinese academy of sciences), institute of metals of chinese academy of sciences (hereinafter referred to as metals institute of chinese academy of sciences)and east china university of technology jointly participated in the national key r&d plan "failure analysis and intelligen the launch of the "prevention and control technology" project will be held in hefei. project leader: professor shining and professor xu wei of qingdao
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factory address:no. 1798, wang wei east road fengjing development zone jinshan district shanghai city
金沙集团1862cc copyright © shen gao valve group co., ltd.
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group address:no.52, lane 58, lushen road, zhaoxiang town, qingpu district, shanghai
group phone: 86-021-59755666
hotline: 86-021-69755076   69755027
            86-021-69755026   57339828
fax: 86-021-69755075   
factory address:no. 1798, wang wei east road fengjing development zone jinshan district shanghai city
金沙集团1862cc copyright © shen gao valve group co., ltd.
record number:no. 14017677, shanghai icp
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